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Image by Alain Pham


Minimising energy use in all stages of a building’s life-cycle, making new and renovated buildings more comfortable and less expensive to run, and helping building users learn to be efficient too. We know that integrating renewable and low-carbon technologies to supply buildings’ energy needs, once their design has been maximized is the ultimate solution for a more effective building.


Alternative Energy Design

Minimising energy use in all stages of a building’s life-cycle, making new and renovated buildings more comfortable and less expensive to run, and helping building users learn to be efficient too. We know that integrating renewable and low-carbon technologies to supply buildings’ energy needs, once their design has been maximized is the ultimate solution for a more effective building.

Building Energy Analysis

Energy Modeling provides insight into how your building uses energy. We model the entire building with all its systems. This allows us to run multiple scenarios to balance the lowest construction cost with the lowest annual energy cost.

The estimated energy cost of using different windows, walls, roofs, HVAC systems, lighting systems, and plumbing systems can all be quantified. This is how we decide, for example, if adding wall insulation provides a shorter payback than installing a more efficient boiler or vice versa. We use several software packages to accomplish this including Equest and Excel Models.  We can model new or existing buildings.

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Infrared thermovision image showing lack of thermal insulation on House

NYC Local Law Compliance

Local Law 84

Signed into law in 2009 as part of a larger package of energy laws known as the Greener, Greater Buildings Plan. The law applies to New York City buildings larger than 50,000 square feet. The law requires owners and managers to report their building’s energy usage to the City of New York on a yearly basis known as Benchmarking.

Local Law 87

Signed into law in 2009 as part of a larger package of energy laws known as the Greener, Greater Buildings Plan. This law mandates that buildings over 50,000 gross square feet undergo a periodic energy audit and retro-commissioning measures. The intent of this law is to inform building owners of their energy consumption through energy audits, which are surveys and analyses of energy use, and retro-commissioning, the process of ensuring correct equipment installation and performance.

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